To address challenges and pursue realistic opportunities within the emerging domestic seaweed aquaculture industry, Virtual stakeholder-driven Work Groups were formed to consider barriers that are preventing the seaweed industry from progressing, discuss potential solutions, and develop plans to address them.
Four topical Virtual Work Groups were formed from common needs identified through the nationwide seaweed industry needs assessment conducted in January 2020: Production Systems, Post-harvest and Processing Infrastructure, Marketing Opportunities, and Regulations. Work Groups are comprised of diverse stakeholders from across the country representing various sectors related to the seaweed industry including current and prospective farmers, regulators, researchers end,-users of seaweeds (processors and culinary professionals), and many others.
Facilitated by Sea Grant staff, Virtual Work Groups met over a two-and-half year period to refine challenges and prioritize them into achievable time-frames (i.e. short, medium and long-term), with the goal of developing a strategy or work plan to address their topical category. Work Group participants also conducted small-scale projects to tackle specific needs they identified as a priority.
Market Opportunities - Supply and Demand
(i.e. economics, finding product, preferred product forms, connecting to buyers)
Led by Jaclyn Robidoux, and Gabriela Bradt,
Work Group Meeting Notes
- Market Opportunities Work Group Symposium Notes
- Market Development Work Group Presentation 10/29/20
- 10/29/20 Market Opportunities Work Group Meeting Notes
- 5/6/21 Market Opportunities Work Group Meeting Notes
Summary Report
Market Opportunities Work Group Summary Report
Seaweed Marketing Tool Kit
We at the Seaweed Hub know that marketing can be a barrier to success for many seaweed businesses. As a rapidly growing industry, seaweed presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to create sustainable, innovative products that are in high demand. We're here to help with tips and tools for your marketing strategy including social media posts and language that’s ready to go!
(i.e. clear regulations, mechanism providing information on permitting and food safety)
Led by Stephanie Otts, and Catherine Janasie,
Work Group Meeting Notes
- Regulations Work Group Symposium Notes
- November 16, 2020 Meeting Notes
- Symposium Review for Regulations Workgroup
- February 25, 2021 Meeting Notes
- October 18, 2021 Meeting Notes
- Regulatory Reference Guide on Seaweed Food Safety
Summary Report

Regulatory Reference Guide on Seaweed Food Safety
A reference guide providing an overview of current federal food safety regulations and where seaweed fits in.
Post-harvest Opportunities and Infrastructure
(i.e. safe storage, processing and transport)
Led by Antoinette Clemetson, and Melissa Good,
Summary Report
Seaweed Hub Post Harvest Summary Report
Work Group Meeting Notes
Seaweed Parameter Testing Resources Report
Helping seaweed producers better understand seaweed tissue testing, environmental laboratories that conduct such testing, and how to approach these laboratories.
Production Systems
(i.e. site selection, technical assistance, gear-related issues, challenges with seed stock)
Led by Meg Chadsey, and Joshua Reitsma,
Summary Report
Seaweed Hub Production System Summary Report
Work Group Meeting Notes
National Seaweed Nursery Directory
Identifying available sources of seaweed seed for cultivation in the United States. Updated annually, this directory serves as a valuable resource to current and prospective farmers, regulatory authorities, and researchers across the country.