• underwater view looking up towards the sky of seaweed with sunlight streaming through

    National Seaweed Hub

    science-based, non-advocate resource for the domestic seaweed aquaculture industry and associated sectors

    More About the Hub
woman and two men on boat in Long Island Sound with bunches of seaweed on string about to be deployed into water

National Seaweed Nursery Directory

Identifying available sources of seaweed seed for cultivation in the United States. Updated annually, this directory serves as a valuable resource to current and prospective farmers, regulatory authorities, and researchers across the country.

Seaweed Marketing Toolkit visual

Seaweed Marketing Toolkit

Tips and tools for your marketing strategy including social media posts and language that’s ready to go!

bucket of harvested seaweed

Seaweed Parameter Testing Resources Report

Helping seaweed producers better understand seaweed tissue testing, environmental laboratories that conduct such testing, and how to approach these laboratories.

bucket of harvested seaweed

Regulatory Reference Guide on Seaweed Food Safety

A reference guide providing an overview of current federal food safety regulations and where seaweed fits in.

I found the work group meetings beneficial. It gave us the opportunity to narrow down the needs and then focus on those needs.

I found the work group meetings beneficial. It gave us the opportunity to narrow down the needs and then focus on those needs.