
woman and two men on boat in Long Island Sound with bunches of seaweed on string about to be deployed into water

National Seaweed Directory

The purpose of this directory is to identify available sources of seaweed seed for cultivation in the United States. Learn more...


green seaweed under water with text state of the states written on it

Status of the Industry

An overview of the seaweed aquaculture industry in the United States. Initially presented at the 2019 Seaweed Symposium held in Providence, Rhode Island.

man holding kelp on a boat

Seaweed Infographic

The following infographic provides an overview of seaweed species grown commercially in  the United States and their current market outlets.

2023 National Seaweed Symposium Banner

2023 National Seaweed Symposium

Save the Date: April 24-27; Portland, Maine

The National Seaweed Symposium is a three-day conference, bringing together key industry, regulatory, academic, and professional leaders and contributors to the US seaweed sector, hosted by the National Sea Grant Network’s Seaweed Hub.

Featuring: Targeted Presentations, Unique Field Trips, Engaging Networking Sessions, Industry Showcase, Emerging Research, Submitted Lightning Talks

For questions about the National Seaweed Symposium, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Maine Sea Grant Extension, Jaclyn Robidoux.

Learn More

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer felis neque, elementum sed lectus id, sodales tempus mi. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus molestie sodales tellus, non ullamcorper libero finibus a. Sed eu ipsum sodales, ullamcorper mauris ac, gravida augue. Nullam dignissim lorem purus, nec vehicula mi aliquet et. Nulla tempus ligula eu risus porttitor eleifend. Etiam tincidunt augue sollicitudin tristique lobortis.

Donec posuere mauris vel enim lacinia scelerisque. Proin consequat maximus mollis. Praesent odio enim, maximus ac ligula non, condimentum aliquam ligula. Quisque facilisis accumsan mi cursus sodales. Etiam eu consectetur arcu, interdum cursus lacus.

stringing kelp

National Seaweed Directory

The purpose of this directory is to identify available sources of seaweed seed for cultivation in the United States. Learn more...


stringing kelp

Status of the Industry

An overview of the seaweed aquaculture industry in the United States. Initially presented at the 2019 Seaweed Symposium held in Providence, Rhode Island.

kelp string

Seaweed Infographic

The following infographic provides an overview of seaweed species grown commercially in  the United States and their current market outlets.


Student to faculty ratio for this upcoming semester


In grant funding for this fiscal year


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Anne Mead ’06 (BGS) combines her love of gardening, nutrition, and community through UConn Extension programming and her career with the Danbury Public Schools