State-specific Resources

green seaweed under water with text state of the states written on it

Status of the Industry

An overview of the seaweed aquaculture industry in the United States. Initially presented at the 2019 Seaweed Symposium held in Providence, Rhode Island.


California Sea Grant - Seaweed Aquaculture 

Innovation of Kelp Farming: Kelp is an essential marine resource threatened by climate change, making selective breeding crucial for adapting to warmer waters. The University of Southern California (USC), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USC Sea Grant, and WHOI Sea Grant Programs were awarded a grant to develop a selective breeding program that improves the quality and yields of farmed kelp. Watch our new video to see how this innovation is shaping the future of seaweed farming!

artifactWith the seaweed industry as a relatively young sector in the United States, there have been limited opportunities to date that bring together the country's diverse and growing seaweed expertise to focus specifically on the domestic sector. The National Seaweed Symposium has provided the space for this needed information sharing and collaboration. This report aims to document and advance the impacts of the 2023 National Seaweed Symposium.

Read the report

Status and Insights for Seaweed in the United States: National Report from the 2023 National Seaweed Symposium

Report as Microsoft Word (downloads)


WHOI Sea Grant - Aquaculture and Fisheries

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Seaweed Cultivation

Innovation of Kelp Farming: Kelp is an essential marine resource threatened by climate change, making selective breeding crucial for adapting to warmer waters. The University of Southern California (USC), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USC Sea Grant, and WHOI Sea Grant Programs were awarded a grant to develop a selective breeding program that improves the quality and yields of farmed kelp. Watch our new video to see how this innovation is shaping the future of seaweed farming!

National Sea Grant Law Center

National Sea Grant Law Center: Main page

New Hampshire

New Hamphire Sea Grant: Aquaculture

New York

Visit the New York Sea Grant website to view their published Seaweed Guides.



  • Seaweed Guide 1: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Preventative Controls for Human Foods
  • Seaweed Guide 2: Best Practices for Maintaining Quality in Seaweed

Regulatory Guides

  • Regulatory Guide to Processing and Marketing Seaweed in New York


Oregon Sea Grant: Situation Analysis for Oregon Seaweed